🚨 For business owners & Sales Leaders ONLY

Copy Our Entire Proven Cold Outreach System Inside of Your Business

Quickly start generating customers without spending money on ads & without spamming people (ruining your reputation)

Here's The "Backstory" Behind Discovering This Cold Outreach System

Have you ever felt the anxiety of not knowing where your next sale is going to come from?

Well, let me tell you a true story…

I started my career almost 15 years ago as a freelance website & software designer. 

I worked with clients across every industry;

  • Freelancers, 

  • Contractors, 

  • Agencies, 

  • SaaS companies, 

  • Sales Professionals, 

  • and a bunch of other B2B businesses 

After a few years, I started to notice a pattern.

We would design an amazing website or software interface, but they’d all end up with the same question…

“Okay, now... how do I get clients/customers?

Out of desperation myself (I needed to figure out how to make more money) I decided to help some of these clients with their lead generation.

All my clients had the same two objections:

  1. No budget for paid ads OR their ad costs kept increasing
  2. No time to produce organic content OR their organic reach kept decreasing

The data seems to back this up too...

This only left me with one option: cold outreach.

So, over the last 10+ years, I read every book, took over a dozen courses, and joined 5-figure masterminds all centered around cold outreach.

Along the way, I applied everything I learned to my web design & software design clients.

I made every mistake in the book when I first started out but over the years I learned what worked & what didn't

I tested hundreds of different outreach angles and sent countless cold outreach messages across every platform:

  • Email
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • X/twitter

Eventually, I started making more money from cold outreach services than design services. 

This is what led me to start the done-for-you (DFY) agency at coldoutreach.com

Since then, we’ve worked with 6, 7, and 8-figure brands to set up & automate their cold outreach systems. 

There was always one issue though - I knew smaller companies would benefit even more from these tactics and strategies - but our DFY agency prices were way too high for most people to afford... 

Because of this - I decided to put everything I’ve learned about cold outreach into the ultimate step-by-step training.

If you’ve ever struggled with landing new clients - this is the answer you’re looking for.

Let's Cut The Hype And Keep This Grounded In Reality.

8 Reasons Why You Need To Set Up a Cold Outreach System Today...

You’ll avoid the up-and-down revenue months. Cold outreach isn’t subject to the whims of an algorithm or ever-increasing ad costs.

You’ll stop talking to unqualified prospects. ~80% of people are habitual time wasters. We show you how to filter them out.

You’ll outcompete your rivals & probably take their customers. Cold outreach is inherently private - so they won’t even know how you’re doing it.

You’ll future proof yourself against AI & uncertainty. Cold outreach gives you unlimited options as the world changes. Humans will still want to interact with other humans.

You don’t need an audience to start. Bypass slow organic growth on social media by targeting the exact prospects you want.

You’ll have more time to focus on other things that matter. A cold outreach machine only takes a few hours a month to maintain.

You’ll close a higher percentage of prospects. Having a proven outreach process in place increases win-percentage by 3-5x or more.

You don’t need to rely on anyone else for YOUR livelihood. Cold outreach is a timeless strategy that worked a hundred years ago & will work a hundred years from now.

... If you're NOT interested in creating a cold outreach machine that continually lands clients (like we’ve done over & over), you should NOT read any further.

If you are interested, why not… stand over my shoulder and LISTEN & WATCH as I show you exactly how to build your own cold outreach system from scratch!

Introducing The Cold Outreach Machine

10,000+ hours of real-world cold outreach knowledge distilled into only the stuff that actually works + how to systematize it.

Watch the video training as I explain (in detail) how we built these cold outreach systems for other companies!

I cover it all: how to make your offer more appealing in cold outreach messages… to the exact messages you can send… to what platforms to focus on… and more. 

You get 38 video lessons: You’ll see how clients we’ve worked with have setup outreach machines… booked sales calls on autopilot… and systematized it all! 

By the end of the training, your new cold outreach machine will be winning you customers. 

It Actually Worked TOO GOOD!

How I accidentally became a cold outreach expert...

Well you know my story by now if you've read the intro on the top of this page... My name's Nick Patrocky. Yeah, the “cold outreach guru” (like that's a title I wanted 🤦‍♂️...)

Before I dedicated myself to helping companies build cold outreach machines, I was a website & software designer. But now I’m known as the go-to guy for cold outreach.

Let me show you a little bit about how I became this “guru” and how I can help you…

PROOF that The Cold Outreach Machine works...

If you have never heard of me or my company coldoutreach.com, then please watch the testimonials on this page. Go on, watch them. These are legit businesses, established companies with real revenue.

Our system they are praising is the most advanced cold outreach machine in the world.

That’s why you should at least listen to me here. Men and women with this kind of respect and stature do not give out video testimonials on a whim.

"125 Meetings Booked in 8 weeks..."

Devops.com is one of the largest online devops publications in the world & part of a larger media network with 500k+ monthly readers.

"Closed deals, building pipeline..."

Care2.com is an online social action network with over 60 million members around the globe, helping make the world a better place.

*This training simply shows you our system. Your results may vary & you should not expect any guarantees.

The Training (Here's what you get)

By investing in The Cold Outreach Machine you’ll get:

Module #1: Offer Optimization (1:18)

Chapter 1: Irresistible Offer

  • Lesson 1: Genesis (5:44)
  • Lesson 2: The ROI Amplifier (3:24)
  • Lesson 3: How to Become a Category of One (3:12)

Chapter 2: Credibility Catalyst 

  • Lesson 4: Become an Insider (3:14)
  • Lesson 5: Portfolio Leapfrog Technique (3:24)
  • Lesson 6: Cold Click Conversion Formula (7:20)
  • Lesson 7: Landing Page X-ray Vision (2:08)

Chapter 3: Conviction Convertor 

  • Lesson 8: Cold Traffic Copy Mastery (9:31)
  • Lesson 9: The “Jedi Hand Wave” Technique (3:51)

Chapter 4: Video Trust Connector 

  • Lesson 10: Instant Trust & Rapport (1:54)
  • Lesson 11: Stranger to Client VSL Formula (4:35)
Module #2: Cold Outreach Codex (1:17)

Chapter 5: Fundamentals 

  • Lesson 12: The Awareness Ladder Approach (2:43)
  • Lesson 13: Market Maturity Masterplan (3:59)
  • Lesson 14: The Anti-Hard Sell (2:38)

Chapter 6: The Dual Horizon Strategy 

  • Lesson 15: Outreach Strategy Crossroads (10:12)
  • Lesson 16: The 1-step ”Ex-machina” Outreach Approach (9:59) 
  • Lesson 17: The 3-step “Anti-desperation” Outreach Approach (8:51) 
  • Lesson 18: The Perpetual Lead Nurture Navigator Sequence (5:53)

Chapter 7: Compensation Capacitor

  • Lesson 19: How to Create "Value Magnets" (10:57)
  • Lesson 20: List Preservation Playbook (4:35)
  • Lesson 21: Shifting Gears (10:27)

Chapter 8: Prospect Pathways & Pipeline Creation

  • Lesson 22: The Bullseye Prospect Strategy (9:36)
  • Lesson 23: Outreach Goldmine Zones (8:59)
  • Lesson 24: Precision Prospect Pipeline (6:49)
  • Lesson 25: The Invisible Ink Trick & Deliverability (6:19)
Module #3: Machine Construction (1:13)

Chapter 9: Foundations

  • Lesson 26: Persuasive Actuator (5:46)

Chapter 10: Algorithmic Execution

  • Lesson 27: Appointment Assembly Line (6:31)
  • Lesson 28: Outreach Automation Engine (4:11)
  • Lesson 29: Reminder Resonance Flow (4:41)

Chapter 11: Cloned Operators

  • Lesson 30: Delegation Dynamo (3:50)
  • Lesson 31: Use Case Explorer (6:01)

Chapter 12: System Synthesis

  • Lesson 32: Tying Everything Together (2:07)
  • Lesson 33: Conclusion (0:43)


But To Make The Cold Outreach Machine the best training on earth… we’re adding:

Cold Copywriting Workbook

Copy/paste our best copywriting formulas to use inside of your own funnel.

Checklist & Templates

Access our checklists and templates to kickstart your own machine.

“LeadScreen” System

Save time by screening unqualified prospects before they get on your calendar. 

But This Is The UNIQUE Part …

Inside You’ll Discover…

The single most important thing you must know about cold outreach if you want to avoid ruining your reputation and burning bridges…

Why cold pitching strangers almost never works and the one "almost magic" way to get a positive reply that works every time…

The five-second technique to almost instantly get over the fear of criticism for reaching out…

The surest way you'll ever find to stop getting ignored by prospects…

How to send omnichannel cold outreach across various channels (not just emails)...

The surprising reason why most people never grow on social media... and how to use cold outreach to start going viral…

The truth about SEO rankings... that Google does NOT want you to know! (doing cold outreach is the key)

A sneaky way to network with influential people that you can use immediately to access their audience for yourself…

What This Training is NOT...

The training should not be used to hurt other people.
These strategies are POWERFUL and must be used ethically.

This is NOT for spammers

If you're looking to spam or scam people, this training is not for you. 

This is NOT a “business opportunity”

We do not tell you what product or service you should sell. 

What This Training DOESN'T Teach...

Paid Ads

Content Creation


This IS the best system that’s ever been devised for starting and scaling a cold outreach system that gets results.

⚠️ Some things you should know 

(regardless if you invest in this training or not)

I want you to be aware of some of the things to keep an eye out for…

Be cautious of any upsell traps or high-priced mastermind funnels. Unlike other training - we give you everything here and have nothing else to sell you later.

Be wary of being forced into buying any specific software's. Other trainings only recommend one tool (so they can get paid by that tool). Our stuff works with any tool you choose.

Avoid people who tell you exactly what you should be selling. That creates an army of copycats. Other training creates a sea of people competing with each other.

Be careful of traditional online communities (like a Facebook group, Slack channel, Skool community, etc.) If you post about your winning cold outreach tactics in there, your rivals will steal them instantly (or the teacher will).

Watch out for any training that uses its own affiliate program as a way for students to make money. Might be a sign of a pyramid scheme. 

Steer clear of courses taught by a bunch of 20 year old frat bros. It’s a bad sign if the training they offer is produced via cheap loom videos in their bedroom.

Look out for people who don’t have any real world experience doing this for other companies. There’s a bunch of pretenders out there. Look for live video testimonials and legit businesses (like we've shown you here).

So What’s The Price?

Just $0.56 cents per day to fill your calendar with people who want to buy your stuff!

When you really think about it, compared to having more customers than you know what to do with, $200 is just a drop in the bucket. This is the same system we charged our clients a minimum of $2,000/month for.

Consider this: Over the course of just one year, by which time you will already have a well-oiled cold outreach machine working while you sleep, your investment in this system will only be $0.56 per day... that’s less than the price of a bottle of water!
Price Increase Soon

What You Get...

Get instant access. No recurring payments.

  • Entire Flagship Video Training
  • Ability to ask questions directly
  • All Bonuses
  • All Future Updates




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30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with our training, The Cold Outreach Machine. That's why we offer a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.


Here's how it works:

  • Go through the entire course.
  • Complete all the action items.
  • If you still believe the course wasn't right for you, just let us know and show us that you completed everything.

If you've done all that, we'll give you a full refund. No other questions asked.

No Cold Outreach Experience or Knowledge &
VERY Little Set-Up Capital Needed

"Multi-million Dollar Contracts..."

Political Ideas partners with clients across sectors & industries to develop customized solutions that maximize both financial returns & social impact.

"Our business completely transformed..."

Clickflow is a leading digital marketing agency that specializes in paid ads and funnel optimization for various clients all over North America.

*This training simply shows you our system. Your results may vary & you should not expect any guarantees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work for my type of business?

Most likely. Cold outreach can literally be used to sell almost anything. Your results will depend on the demand for your product/service.

What if I don’t have a product to sell?

You have to pick something. I don’t know what your innate talents or skills are, so you need to decide for yourself. I’d focus on something that helps businesses make more money in some way.

What if I have no portfolio or case studies?

That’s fine. I’ll show you in the training how to overcome this easily.

What if my industry is regulated?

You’ll just need to make sure you’re following the regulations in your outreach.

What if people never respond to my messages?

That’s common. The training will show you how to overcome that.

Won’t people view me as a spammer?

Not if you’re providing a valuable product/service that actually helps people.

Why don’t I just hire an agency to do this for me?

Most agencies suck. They’re short sighted and don’t understand your business. They’ll ruin your reputation seeking quick results.

What if I don’t want to get on sales calls?

You can use cold outreach to make direct sales.

If your product/service requires a call, you can hire someone to do it for you or conquer your limiting beliefs.

What if I don’t speak good English?

Hire someone to do it for you or work on your speech.

Do you offer refunds?

We want you to be completely satisfied with our training, The Cold Outreach Machine. That's why we offer a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Here's how it works:

  • Go through the entire course.
  • Complete all the action items.
  • If you still believe the course wasn't right for you, just let us know and show us that you completed everything.

If you've done all that, we'll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Are there live calls included?

No - all training interaction happens in the comments section within each individual video lesson.

How does the community aspect of the training work?

Within each individual video lesson there are embedded comments sections where you can ask any questions you have. You can also get feedback on your cold outreach machine.

How much money will I need to invest to make this work?

You can manually implement all of these strategies for free. To set up automated systems, you’ll need to invest in various software's. We see the average costs to be around $50-$250+/month for advanced automated machines.

Do I get lifetime access to the training?

You'll have access for the entire lifetime of the training (not necessarily your lifetime). This includes a minimum 1-year guarantee. If we stop selling the training, you'll have access for at least 1 year. 

Are results guaranteed? 

Results are never guaranteed. Every business is different. Results will vary. 

Is this training truly "step-by-step"?

You still have to learn and do the work, but we've tried to break it down as much as we can.

Here’s How To Order

What are you waiting for?

The only thing standing between you and the customers you deserve is an automated cold outreach machine.

So now it’s up to you.

You can continue down the agonizingly slow road of learning by trial and error, facing costly mistakes, and taking years to discover the key to launching successful cold outreach campaigns...

Or, you can start putting the winning strategies you’ll find in The Cold Outreach Machine to work in your business immediately... 

  • To position your offer as an irresistible cold outreach message that prospects are relieved to receive…
  • To find & target the perfect prospects (who have money) across every outreach channel available…
  • To structure your outreach machine with persuasive emotion & bullet-proof logic, leaving your prospect with the conclusion that it would be dumb not to try...

With our proven client results, there’s little risk on your part. So when it comes right down to it, there’s really only one rational thing to do...

Click below to order now.

Price Increase Soon

What You Get...

Get instant access. No recurring payments.

  • Entire Flagship Video Training
  • Ability to ask questions directly
  • All Bonuses
  • All Future Updates




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30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with our training, The Cold Outreach Machine. That's why we offer a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.


Here's how it works:

  • Go through the entire course.
  • Complete all the action items.
  • If you still believe the course wasn't right for you, just let us know and show us that you completed everything.

If you've done all that, we'll give you a full refund. No other questions asked.

How would an endless stream of qualified prospects change YOUR life/business?

A year from now, will you look back at this moment as the time you implemented the system that completely changed your life/business? Or will you look back from the exact same spot you are in right now? Don’t wait. Take action.

P.S. By joining, you get access to personally ask me anything you want, directly inside of the video lesson training. I hope to chat with you soon.

Nick Patrocky

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