Cold Outreach Logo Dark Version

Onboarding Form

Please fill in this form to the best of your abilities. This form is mandatory before our Onboarding call.

Full Name
Company Name
Media Kit Page (optional)
Advertise or Sponsorship Page (optional)
Audience Size
Please Select One
  • 0-10k
  • 10k-50k
  • 50k-100k
  • 100k-250k
  • 250k-1M
  • 1M+
Audience Demographics (age, gender, location, etc.)
0 of 500
Audience Interests
0 of 500
Target Advertisers/Sponsors
0 of 500
Average Order Value ($ USD)
Who's currently handling Ad/Sponsor sales?
Do you currently use a CRM? (If so, please name)
Shipping Address
(Where decision-maker can receive physical mail. We will be mailing some stuff.)
Success message!
Warning message!
Error message!