Onboarding Form

Please fill in this form to the best of your abilities. This form is mandatory before our Onboarding call.

What is the product(s) or service(s) you want to push during the cold outreach campaign? (You can add links if you want)
0 of 2000
What is the value proposition / competitive advantage / differentiation & what problem is it solving for your target market:
0 of 2000
Describe a ‘Wow Factor’ to include in the campaign messaging (Also include any links to your best case studies)
0 of 2000
Please share your brand story:
0 of 2000
Describe your target market: (I.e. what type of company are they, early stage, established - share some characteristics)
0 of 2000
Where are your target prospects located?
What industries are your ideal prospects in? 
What size are your ideal prospects?
What are the titles of your ideal prospects? (CMO, COO, VP, Director, etc.)
Enter the link where you'd like us to book your qualified appointments? (Calendly, cal.com, ScheduleOnce, etc.)
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